Sony's PlayStation 4 launches on November 15 in the US. Here be its gaming options for the rest of the year.
(Credit: Josh Miller)
Unless you're planning to exclusively use the new console as a Netflix streaming box and media hub -- BTW, perfectly legitimate albeit expensive and kind of foolhardy reasons to buy one -- you'll likely want to play some games on it. As fun as it is to stream movies and TV shows, you don't need to pay $400 to do so.
Here's where this list games comes in. Aside from Skylanders Swap Force, all PS4 games coming in 2013 will be available to purchase digitally. I've broken the list into two sections: available on disc and digital only. As of today all games listed here are slated for release before the year's up.
Also, be sure to check in on how the competition's launch compares.
PS4 games available on disc in 2013
- NBA 2K14
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Skylanders Swap Force
- Need for Speed: Rivals
- Battlefield 4
- Madden 25
- FIFA 14
- NBA Live
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Knack
- Assassins Creed Black Flag
- Watch Dogs
- Just Dance 2014
- Lego Marvel Superheroes
- Basement Crawl
- Pool Nation Extreme
- Contrast
- Warframe
- Pinball Arcade
- War Thunder
- N++
- Minecraft
- DC Universe
- Planetside 2
- Counterspy
- ResoGun
- Flower
- Doki-Doki Universe
- Hohokum
- Tiny Brains
- Super Motherload
- Blacklight
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